After paying due consideration to your proposals and investigating your business standing, we have decided to appoint you as our agent in the district you defined. 在适当考虑了你的建议和调查你的营业状况之后,我们已经决定任命你为这一地区的业务代理。
Problems needing paying attention to in the production of special resins ( such as high polymerization degree resin produced by low temperature process, extinction resin and copolymer resin produced by adding crosslinking agent) by using 30 m 3 polymerizer are introduced. 介绍利用30m3聚合釜生产特殊牌号树脂(如用低温法生产高聚合度树脂,用添加交联剂生产高聚合度树脂以及消光树脂和共聚树脂)应注意的问题。
Among all cash dividend paying behavior theories, Agent Cost theory is relatively more mature currently. While recently, the coming up of Exploration Hypothesis provides some totally contrary explanation. 在研究现金股利政策的理论中,代理理论是目前解释股利政策比较成熟的理论之一,而学术界近年来提出的攫取利益假说却提出了某些完全不同的解释。
In this chapter, the author discusses several issues in practice interfering the formation and entry into force, including paying insurance premium, issuing insurance policy and the behavior of insurance agent. 本章中,笔者联系实践中干扰保险合同成立的几个问题,讨论了保险费的交付、保险单的签发及其保险代理人的行为与保险合同成立及其效力的关系。